Children, Youth & Families Grant Recipients

Since 2016, we’ve made over $12 million in grants to inspiring charities that support children, youth and families. 2022 achievements included:
youth improved job-specific skills through workforce development programs
students reduced their risk of dropping out of school
youth increased critical social-emotional skills
women attained skills, knowledge, and access to achieve economic empowerment and independence

Featured Grant Recipients

We’re proud to highlight some of our exceptional long-term partners. These organizations support youth and families through education, economic opportunities, access to mental health support, and increased food access.

Teach for Canada
$1,975,250 over eleven years

To work with northern First Nations to recruit, prepare, and support committed teachers, in order to make education more equal.

Pathways to Education
$1,000,000 over four years

To help youth graduate from high school and break the cycle of poverty.

Community Food Centres Canada
$700,000 over seven years

To build health, belonging, and social justice in low-income communities through the power of food.

Right to Play
$450,000 over four years

To build capacity in Indigenous community partners to lead the PLAY program, to help children overcome adversity through the transformative power of play.

Second Harvest
$450,000 over three years

To improve fresh food access for food insecure youth across the GTA through collecting surplus food, combating hunger and food waste simultaneously.

Up With Women
$425,000 over five years

To empower women to rebuild their careers after violence and homelessness.

Covenant House
$390,000 over five years

To provide comprehensive support to nurture all elements of at-risk youths’ health and wellbeing.

$260,000 over three years

To empower Indigenous and community-based entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses and livelihoods across Northern Canada.

$247,000 over four years

To support the transition of MABELLEarts’ food security response from a food bank model into a micro-business and social enterprise that unlocks economic opportunity for local residents.

2024 Grant Recipients

  • Believe to Achieve Organization
  • The Bike Brigade
  • Black Creek Youth Initiative
  • CaterToronto
  • Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
  • Creating Together EarlyON Child and Family Centre
  • EveryMind Mental Health Services
  • Fora: Network for Change
  • The Gatehouse Child Abuse Investigation & Support Site
  • Green Thumbs Growing Kids
  • Growing Chefs! Ontario
  • Immigrant Women’s Services Ottawa
  • Islamic Family & Social Services Association
  • Jane Alliance Neigborhood Services
  • Jessie’s – The June Callwood Centre for Young Women
  • Mama’s Healing Garden
  • Martin Family Initiative
  • Mood Disorders Association of Toronto and Ontario
  • NPower
  • Not Far from the Tree
  • The PACT Urban Peace Program
  • Play Forever
  • Project Parkdale Read
  • Sarnia-Lambton Rebound
  • Social Planning Council of Ottawa
  • St. Philips Lutheran Church
  • summerlunch+
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Foundation
  • Toronto Black Farmers- Afro Caribbean Farmers’ Market
  • Toronto Futbol Athletic Advancement
  • Ubuntu Community Collective
  • Uprooted Black Earth Stewards
  • Venture for Canada
  • Visions of Science
  • Water First
    $150,000 over three years
  • York Region Educational Services
  • Youth Now on Track Services

2023 Grant Recipients

In 2023 we awarded grants across our four funding themes: Education and Economic Opportunities, Children and Youth Mental Health, Food Security and Systems, as well as the Indigenous Youth stream which is dedicated to providing core funding to Indigenous-led organizations across Canada. We also launched the GTA Community Grants Program and have partnered with 16 grassroots organizations doing incredible work within their communities.

  • Access Community Capital Fund
  • Alberta Immigrant Women & Children Centre
  • Alexandra Community Health Centre
  • Atlantic Wellness Community Center
  • Black Women in Motion
  • Blue Door Support Services
  • Breakfast Club of Canada
  • Business in the Streets
  • Canadian South Asian Growth and Support Services
  • Community Cares
  • Covenant House Toronto
  • Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society
  • Dixon Hall
  • East Scarborough Storefront
  • Green Thumbs Growing Kids
  • Growing Neighbourhoods Foundation
  • Foodshare Toronto
  • Fred Victor Centre
  • Guelph Community Health Centre
  • Hackergal
  • Halton Food for Thought
  • Hope Blooms Youth Social Entrepreneurial Ventures Inc.
  • Human Nature Counselling Society
  • The Incorporated Ministry in Flemingdon Park
  • Indspire
  • Laadliyan, Celebrating & Empowering Daughters
  • Loyan Foundation
  • MABELLEarts
    $225,000 over three years
  • Malvern Family Resource Centre
  • Mama’s Healing Garden
  • Not Far From the Tree
  • NPower Canada
  • PACT Urban Peace Program
  • Parents of Black Children
  • Raising the Roof
  • Renascent
  • Rise in STEM
  • Second Harvest
    $450,000 over three years
  • Spirit North
  • Stella’s Place Assessment and Treatment Centre
  • Stepstones for Youth
  • STEP to Construction
  • St. Philip’s Lutheran Church
  • The Stop Community Food Centre
  • Summerlunch+
  • Thorncliffe Park Autism Support Network
  • Thrive Youth Development Canada
  • Toronto Black Farmers and Growers Collective
  • Toronto District School Board
  • Toronto Foundation for Student Success
  • Trust 15 Youth Community Support Organization
  • Ubuntu Community Collective
  • United Way of the Alberta Capital Region
  • United Way of Greater Toronto
  • Women & Children Precious Shelter
  • YWCA Metro Vancouver
  • YMCA of Northern Alberta
  • Youth Employment Services
  • Youth Empowerment and Support Services
  • Youth Rising Above
  • Youth Without Shelter

2022 Grant Recipients

In 2022 we awarded grants to the following organizations for work enabling economically vulnerable young people and families to overcome barriers to academic success, economic prosperity, and health and wellbeing. Many of these organizations also represent our new funding themes: Children and Youth Mental Health, Food Security and Systems, and Indigenous Youth.

  • Alexandra Community Health Centre
  • Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
  • Community Food Centres Canada
    $300,000 over three years
  • Community Matters Toronto
  • Covenant House Toronto
  • Horizons for Youth
  • Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
  • Indspire
  • Jane Finch Community Ministry
  • Leftovers Foundation
  • Operation Come Home
  • Right To Play
    $300,000 over two years
  • Sarnia-Lambton Rebound
  • Seneca College
    $300,000 over two years
  • Shad Canada
    $300,000 over three years
  • Teach for Canada
    $1,000 000 over four years
  • Toronto District School Board
  • Windmill Microlending
    $300,000 over three years
  • United College at the University of Waterloo
  • YMCA of Greater Toronto
  • Yonge Street Mission
    $202,257 over three years
  • Youth Employment Services

2021 Grant Recipients

In 2021 we awarded grants to the following organizations for work providing opportunities and creating prosperity.

  • Access Community Capital Fund
  • Aunt Leah’s Independent Lifeskills Society
  • Business in the Streets
  • CivicAction Leadership Foundation
  • Covenant House
  • Dixon Hall
  • East Scarborough Storefront
  • EntrepreNorth
  • Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation – Leading the Way Employment Program
  • Indspire
  • Jessie’s – The June Callwood Centre for Young Women
    $150,000 over three years
  • Level
  • MABELLEarts
  • Massey Centre for Women
  • Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc.
  • Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto
  • NPower Canada
  • Ocean Wise Sustainable Northern Livlihoods
  • Outward Bound Canada
  • Pathways to Education
  • Raising the Roof
  • Regent Park School of Music
  • Second Harvest
  • Seneca College – Youth 2 Post-Secondary program
  • Shad Canada
  • Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation
  • Teach for Canada
  • Toronto District School Board – STEP To Construction program
  • Trails Youth Initiatives
  • United Way Halton & Hamilton – Putting Down Roots
  • United Way Windsor Essex – On Track to Success
  • Up With Women
  • Water First
  • Weston Frontlines Centre
  • Windmill Microlending
  • YMCA of Greater Toronto – Black Achievers
  • YMCA of Oakville
  • Youth Employment Services
  • Youth Without Shelter

2020 Grant Recipients

In 2020 we supported organizations that helped children and youth to overcome barriers to success in education and entrepreneurship.

  • Access Community Capital Fund
  • Community Food Centres Canada
  • Covenant House
  • Green Thumbs Growing Kids
  • Indspire
  • Outward Bound Canada
  • Pathways to Education
  • Regent Park School of Music
  • Right to Play
  • Shad Canada
  • Sistema Toronto
  • Teach for Canada
  • United Way of Toronto – Construction Career Navigator
  • Variety the Children’s Charity – Children in Motion program

2019 Grant Recipients

We’re so proud to have supported the following organizations in 2019 as they worked across our themes of access to education, economic opportunities and wellbeing.

  • Aunt Leah’s
  • Boundless
  • Business in the Streets
  • Children’s Book Bank
  • Civic Action Leadership Foundation
  • Community Food Centres Canada
  • Covenant House
  • Dixon Hall
  • EntrepreNorth
  • For Youth Initiative
  • Geneva Centre for Autism Foundation
  • Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation – Leading the Way Employment Program
  • Home Suite Hope
  • Indspire
  • Jessie’s – June Callwood Centre for Young Women
  • Level
  • Massey Centre
  • Nanny Angel Network
  • Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc.
  • NPower Canada
  • Our Place Peel
  • Outward Bound Canada
  • Parent-Child Mother Goose
  • Pathways to Education
  • Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario
  • Regent Park School of Music
  • Right to Play
  • Second Harvest
  • Seneca College – Youth 2 Post-Secondary program
  • Sistema Toronto
  • Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation
  • Teach for Canada
  • Trails Youth Initiatives, Inc
  • United Way of Toronto – Construction Career Navigator
  • Up With Women
  • Variety the Children’s Charity – Children in Motion program
  • Water First
  • YMCA of Greater Toronto
  • Yonge Street Mission
  • York Region Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers
  • Youth Employment Services